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Speed Up Your Signing Process!

Allows parties to access documents from anywhere and at any time, ensuring signed documents remain secure and available to all parties involved. Digital signatures also reduce the risk of misunderstanding and misuse of documents, because every digitally signed signature can be verified and accounted for.

signature tanda tangan
digital signature adalah

About Digital Signature

As a Digital signature services certified  PSrE Tilaka, your digital transformation enabler trusted partner. We provide Identity Proofing, Digital ID, Digital Certificate, and Digital signatures with very seamless services.

Register Authority
Checking the identity of prospective users

Certificate Authority
Issue and manage electronic certificates

Validation Authority
Validation of electronic documents

Based on Regulation and Compliances

Article 60 by Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions.

tuf docotel

Tersertifikasi ISO/IEC 27001:2013

dukcapil docotel

PKS Dukcapil No 119/6959/ Dukcapil

fintech indonesia docotel

Anggota dari AFTECH

ojk docotel

Tercatat di OJK

kominfo docotel

 Tilaka-Sub CA kominfo SK No 423 Tahun 2021

psre tilaka docotel.png

Sertifikasi resmi PSrE
sebagai mitra PT Tilaka


cara sign digital registration docotel


digital sign adalah document management docotel


tanda tangan e signature on boarding docotel

On Boarding
(e-KYC & MFA)

buat e signature document validation docotel


cara buat sign digital signing docotel


notification digital signature  adalah docotel

& Others

e signature adalah
tanda tangan signature docotel

Step 1

Upload Document

apa itu digital signature identity docotel

Identity Proofing

Identity Proofing is a service to ensure that the user is the rightful owner of the data by using biometric face recognition, both for authentication and authorization. This service is available in the form of a webview, API, and standalone application as part of the portal.


Does a Certified Digital Signature have valid legal force?


Yes, because it is based on the integration of Valid ID (KTP) with Nirsangkal/Signing Agreement on

What is Digital Certification and what is it's function?


An electronic certificate is an electronic signature and identity that shows the legal subject status of the parties in an electronic transaction issued by an Electronic Certification Provider (PSRE) by Tilaka.

Why a certificate revoked when verifying a signature at Kominfo?


Electronic certificates used in revoked status (revoke), user should check the issue with customer service directly.

Does Docotel Digital Signature provide facial Re-capture after registration?


Docotel does not provide facial re-capture after registration due to the initial capture results have gone through on earlier verification and validation process.

What if the user fails to upload the signature document?


If the user will perform single sign & multiple sign, make sure the uploaded document is in .doc or .pdf format. The screen will display the message "Failed to upload, document must be .doc or .pdf". If the problem is not caused by the things mentioned, then the user needs to clear the cache on the browser

As of now, Docotel Digital Signature can only have 2 certified signatures, whether in 1 file or 1 page? Can the certified signature be the same or different?


Currently Docotel Electronic Signatures could provide 25 certified electronic signatures in 1 PDF document file, you can have certified signatures with the same or different names.

What is the cause of not being able to sign with RF authentication?


  1. Not allowing device camera access for the Tilaka portal.

  2. The liveness photo is blurry when you first submit a selfie photo.

  3. Temporary fix: Temporarily set-up OTP authentication to 'via Email'.

  4. Long-term fix: Re-send a selfie as a replacement for the previous selfie.

  5. The selfie photo that will be sent does not use glasses, does not wear a hat, adequate light (not dark or too bright), does not use a filter, and is not a photo cropped from another photo.

A seamless solution for digital signature

Digital Signature is equipped with a comprehensive range of features that can be accessed anytime online to streamline the verification process.

Accelerate business growth
with Digital Signature by DOCOTEL

Get more done without compromising accuracy and speed with solutions from Docotel that are used by thousands of businesses.



Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.301, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154

T : +62 22 820 00063

E :



Bellezza shopping arcade Lantai 3 unit SA 0380 A  Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau No.34, RT.4/RW.2, Grogol Utara, Kec. Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12210

T : +62 21 5010 0922

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